All the observations about group affiliation are pertinent to our largest human affiliations. Successful large-scale decision-making will similarly require greater comfort with temperament diversity and a new sophistication in our ability to work in its presence. A few examples:
The concept of Cultural Maturity argues that neither traditionally liberal nor traditionally conservation political positions will be adequate for the question that now confront us. Left and right are Ideologies in the sense of reflecting the world views of particular temperaments and creative partialities. Getting beyond party bickering to achieve truly creative solutions will require this new kind of sophistication.
In Hope and the Future I describe the way different cultural stages and different temperaments each bring with them predictably different felt relationships with nature. I describe how the kind of newly sustainable relationships with nature on which our future depends will require contributions from each of these various perspectives.
With increasing frequency, we will need to engage in truly global decision-making. While differences in how the world looks from different cultural stages and different temperaments are not the same, the CSPT describes how some of the same skills and perspectives help with bridging differences in each case. It also describes how nations often exhibit systemic differences very much related to temperament differences. (That George Bush would have trouble with France would not be unexpected given his fairly low Capacitance Middle temperament and the Late/Lower/Inner sensibility that most defines French culture.)